Spring in the Museum!

Spring break invokes the excitment of travel. Most have plans to visit friends, family, and partners over break which often involves traveling away from their current location, in this case Philadelphia. Typical destinations are Florida, California, and New York. Cities are also favorite destination and offer a lot of attractions including museums! Here are a few museums and exhibits worth checking out: Obdurate Space….

Lunar New Year Celebration

Congratulations to all those Year of the Dog people! While the Lunar New Year, sometimes Chinese New year (although other regions of Asia have a the holiday as well),  started a week ago PennDesign kicked off it’s celebrations last night. Friday’s Happy Hour greeted students with an impressive selection of chinese savory and dessert dishes, rumored to be from Sangkee Noodle House, and a…

The Nap

This Wednesday and Thursday are mid reviews for studio. Naturally this becomes a high intensity work time that will include late nights even an all nighter or two. The nap is an impromptu response to the long work hours and can occur in studio or even in class (oops!). Those who nap may be photographed. The instagram account penndesignzzz, run by an unknown photographer…

The Perfect Distraction

Online resources, a perfect distraction. I am not talking about facebook or pinterest, although those are fair competition, but rather Lynda.com. As a student at Penn you have free access to Lynda.com with your penn login. Naturally there are hundreds of programs that would be amazing to learn and no time in which to learn them. Or at least that is how I used…

Friday Nights on the Town

Friday is typically a good day to socialize. Naturally happy hour at PennDesign is the start to Friday nights out exploring the city. However this Friday happy hour appears to have been cancelled in favor of the Chinese Lunar New Year. Hurrah for those year of the Dog people, sadly not me. So in spirit of Friday and the holiday several classmates went out…

Menu Previews

So for those of you looking for lunch options on campus, or just trying to decide what to eat before going all the way out to that one cafe someone mentioned, there is of course a website. To review cafes, hours, and menus on Penn Campus check out the following link: university-of-pennsylvania.cafebonappetit.com  

Like, it’s interesting. Different. New.

How many times have you caught yourself saying something similar to explain the projects you are drawn to? This semester we have been challeneged to avoid using these three words, interesting, different, and new, to express our ideas or opinions. Much like in highschool debate classes where the word like was taboo, the new word challenge is posing a comical thread into the serious…

Good Fortune Gnocchi

In Argentina we have a tradition that every 29th of the month the family eats gnocchi (noquis) for wealth and prosperity. The tradition is to make the noquis at home, place money (of any amount) under the main dish and each persons plate, to eat contentedly as a family and friends, and then to forget it happened til the next 29th. The tradition is…

Stop: Gym Time!

Penn Recreation Homepage: http://www.upenn.edu/recreation/ Penn Group Exercise: http://www.upenn.edu/recreation/fitness-wellness/group-exercise/ Uh oh! The gym, a place avoided by many due to the pains often associated with growth. Sadly I was one of many avoiding the gym, not due to a dislike of exercise but rather due to the odd thought that all the work on my plate would never get done if I spent a minute…

Schenk-Woodman Competion Complete

“F. Schenk-Henry Gillette Woodman Scholarship in architecture awarded for travel abroad on the basis of a competition.” https://www.design.upenn.edu/graduate-admissions/penndesign-awards-and-prizes This year’s Schenk-Woodman Competition consisted of developing a book-drop for a portion of the underserved neighborhood of West Parkside. The competition is a week long with deliverables consisting of  two boards and a quarter scale model. The variety of proposals was quite interesting. Some were expected, benches,…